A cheeky guide for mastering all the sex positions with minimal effort, giving you more bang for your... well, you know.
With fifty positions and funny advice for maintaining laziness while getting it on, Sex for Lazy People is the ultimate guide for those who had a hectic day, just finished a big meal, or simply despise moving.
Having trouble doing it standing up? Wear some grippy socks.
Having trouble putting your all into it? Turn up the AC, so you have to get friskier to stay warm.
Having trouble balancing work and a sex life? Quit your job.
With positions like The Understudy, The Kids are Sleeping, The Slip n Slide, The Benchwarmer, and The Easy Button, you'll never have to get up to get off ever again!
Ginny Hogan
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Category: 7.2024, funny, gift, gift ideas, Instructional Books, Paperback, US Made